
Friday, 1 August 2014

Immortality VS Reality

I don't know why Hollywood always portrays a vampire as this forlorn, grief stricken person who has nothing better to do with his or her time than spend hundreds of years sitting in areas where the wind is always blowing through their hair, their faces are always in some kind of constipated expression and are always country hopping taking part in some cultural beginning like the countdown of New Years or the creation of chocolate. 
Or any immortal character writers have imagined up over the years. If I was immortal, the words grief and depression wouldn't even cross my mind. So much to do, see, explore and create with all the time in the world.
When you look at it from a youngsters point of view, you have to be mapping out your life the minute you hit 12 because its like when you blink after that, you're 21 and havn't accomplished anything worthwhile yet, blink again you're 30, still working your ass off for something you started working on 20 years ago, blink for the last time you're 90, pooping in a bag and have yet to see where all your had work went. Whether you are a billionaire or a hundredaire, when that time comes where you cough and your knee starts to hurt you, picking out coffins, finding a plot of land and writing a will comes like a last ditch effort to make yourself feel useful again. Because when you blink again, I'm pretty sure whatever happens next isn't going to be memorable.
I mean, sip some blood and you get to live forever. Sounds simple enough for me. All your every day fears would turn mute after that change. No leaving home for work and wondering the whole ride if you are going to see tomorrow because something crazy happens and you lose your life. No walking with sharp objects because men these days think it a bright idea destroying a woman's life has turned to a sport. 
But I understand why a living things life span has a limit. My father always say, "some have to dead, for some to survive". If everyone was given the gift to cross that 100 hundred mark and still be able to sneeze and keep all their vital organs, the world would be at a stand still, never moving forward. 
New ideas wouldn't be pitched into the stream of ideas, the world wouldn't have one hit wonders anymore, people like Lady Gaga and Politicians would be out of work because in time they would start to irritate people to violence with their broken records. One thing over and over. With no one new to the world who hasn't listened to them before. Homosexuals would go straight after a while because, well, you know, just because. Don't you get tired of eating meat and fish after a while? 
What I am saying is, there are pro's and con's to both sides. Immortality and Reality. o many things to do before you expire, yet so little time. All in all, I would rather be immortal.

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