Now, I am not going to sit here and pretend there are times I don't reply when someone tells me good morning, evening or night or if I even say it to someone all the time.
It's just there are places and situations where saying the greeting is sought of like a necessary evil in a sense. For example, walking toward your office space and you pass by a co-worker. The human in you would automatically call upon a smile and then the greeting would just spill out.
Ohhhh but that is not what this article is about today. Today its about that co-worker or person in that situation in which you gave you very precious greeting to who looks at you like you just told them they are ugly or they have shit on their clothes.
That expressive bitch who probably lives in the mountains and has to be integrated into society and taught how to behave among their peers. But in the meantime uses their traditional way to show their feelings.
I don't mind if they don't reply one way or the other really but why, why do they always maintain eye contact with you whenever they are walking in your direction?
Why bore a hole in the person who is going about their business while you have nothing else better to do than stand in a corner and stare? But when they turn around and confront you with a greeting you scatter like a packs.
It is so not understandable and creepy I am beginning to think this behavior is one of the apocalyptic signs or what not because when you really pay attention, everyone does it.
From travelling in the morning to work to going out on a Friday night. Greeting people makes them uncomfortable so they give a knee jerk reaction because they do not know how to respond.
So over this weekend since I had a little free time I decided to do a little experiment on persons of three different age groups.
First was the 4 - 6 year olds, the impressionable ones. While walking to the shop I passed a group of five doing whatever children do these days at the side of the road. They saw me coming the little buggers, I know they saw me see them see me coming so I said good morning, what happened next was so funny and scary at the same time I walked on the other side of the street when going back home. They literally stopped what they were doing and stood stock still and stared at me the entire trek to the shop like they were from 'The Children Of The Corn'.
That shit just solidified my intent in having one child.
Next was the 16 - 25 year olds, my age group. Let me just say one thing, youngsters today grunt alot. I mean I don't think I can string a sentence together with the words and sounds I got as replies to my greeting while in San Juan. If it wasn't non-committed sounds it was their versions of flirting, if it wasn't shy Whoopi Goldberg 'The Color Purple' smiles it was a total head to toe scan. One girl literally told me her entire life story while in traffic on Saturday on the bus from a simple good evening, and for some reason she hypnotized me into giving her my number. God I'm so gullible when it comes to crazy people.
Any way last but not least, the elders. I am very bad lucky with the elderly and greetings. They always seem to take my greetings as reasons to hook me up with their children or grandchildren, or explaining why they are where they are.
Make no mistake they are some mean elderly people who like to play with you just because they can.
One lady once came into a doctors office where I was sitting, waiting and parked her ricketty ass across from me. Now take in mind I was reading a book so I wasn't really paying attention so her behaving like like the world was coming to an end just because I din't say good morning to her would have been justified if only I was actually paying attention to who came through the door. This lady went off. She cussed so much her blood pressure rose and got checked out before everyone else.
But the bitch about is that the old fowl didn't even say good morning, she just believed because she was an elder a greeting was basically mandatory for her.
I was so mad the thought of actually kicking her walker out from under her on the ramp crossed my mind.
Monday, 27 October 2014
Thursday, 16 October 2014
My Variety Of EXES!!
When I'm done here you would think I was some kind of crazy. Today I am going to be listing and categorizing the different types of boyfriends I have had over the course of my 21 years on this earth. This is a little something someone emailed me about so here it goes.
no. 1.
The Recluse
He was my very first relationship. Granted this was in second year but I had him on lock. It was fairly easy to get him to follow my every command seeing he was a special kind of special. He would sit in his seat all day until the bell rang to go home. He would have very interesting conversations with his stationary when he thinks no one is looking. Also he always had a pack of pencils on hand so when his special-ness got to be too much he would take one out and sharpen it to the eraser and write with it. I made him a project of such, you know to integrate him into the school life. I was such a Samaritan back then. That was when I realized I liked them a little damaged. Sadly that didn't last too long because we moved.
no. 2.
The Attention Seeker
Now this one was cutie, met him in standard one. Fun guy to be around but my god half the time I felt like a wife and he was the husband whose eyes couldn't stick to one girl. He would do some stupid things to make people laugh like get up during class and urinate through the window. At first I thought he was a bad boy with a ADD problem, you know my kind of thing but that fizzled out real fast real quick. That and he was with some other girl behind my back.
The Insecure Giver
*SIGH* I miss this one. He was a giver alright, mainly because he was insecure about his looks so he compensated with buying people things. Don't judge, pennacool was expensive back then. And coincidentally he was Mr. Attention Seeker's cousin. Met him in Standard two, we broke up because he got an asthma attack and I almost left him to die. I mean if you knew you couldn't eat a certain fruit, why eat it and expect people to react like we are on Grey's Anatomy. We were going about for a while he was supposed to know he was gonna die.
After that one I hadn't dated in while, because my school at the had to be demolished and everyone was sent to different primary schools. So all through out standard 3 to 5 I was single. Granted I had a torrid affair from our enemy school during that time. A lot of cloak and dagger stuff.
Form 3 came and met me with The Smotherer.
He is the guy who would call every hour on the hour to talk to you. Meet you at you maxi drop off to walk you home so he could talk to you. Send you phonecards so that you wouldn't have the excuse of no credit to talk to you. It got so bad I literally had to run away to my dads house just to have an excuse not to go to the movies with him and his ratchet friends for the umpteenth time. And when we broke up you could have sworn he caught me in bed with the Cool-Aid guy with the way he screwed up his face everytime he sees me.
no. 5
The Lover
He is the guy I could have actually fell for if I didn't have so many things hanging over my head. That and the fact that he was living in Princess Town and me in Port of Spain. He was kind, patient, a good listener and would do anything to please me. But, I messed it up I admit so he probably screws up his face every time he sees me.
That concludes it in a way. Those of you who knows me know that there is more but they aren't exactly in the relationship category but in more like the flirt and make out category.
I had my days, I wasn't always the wonderful person I am today. Until next time I bid you goodbye!
When I'm done here you would think I was some kind of crazy. Today I am going to be listing and categorizing the different types of boyfriends I have had over the course of my 21 years on this earth. This is a little something someone emailed me about so here it goes.
no. 1.
The Recluse
He was my very first relationship. Granted this was in second year but I had him on lock. It was fairly easy to get him to follow my every command seeing he was a special kind of special. He would sit in his seat all day until the bell rang to go home. He would have very interesting conversations with his stationary when he thinks no one is looking. Also he always had a pack of pencils on hand so when his special-ness got to be too much he would take one out and sharpen it to the eraser and write with it. I made him a project of such, you know to integrate him into the school life. I was such a Samaritan back then. That was when I realized I liked them a little damaged. Sadly that didn't last too long because we moved.
no. 2.
The Attention Seeker
Now this one was cutie, met him in standard one. Fun guy to be around but my god half the time I felt like a wife and he was the husband whose eyes couldn't stick to one girl. He would do some stupid things to make people laugh like get up during class and urinate through the window. At first I thought he was a bad boy with a ADD problem, you know my kind of thing but that fizzled out real fast real quick. That and he was with some other girl behind my back.
The Insecure Giver
*SIGH* I miss this one. He was a giver alright, mainly because he was insecure about his looks so he compensated with buying people things. Don't judge, pennacool was expensive back then. And coincidentally he was Mr. Attention Seeker's cousin. Met him in Standard two, we broke up because he got an asthma attack and I almost left him to die. I mean if you knew you couldn't eat a certain fruit, why eat it and expect people to react like we are on Grey's Anatomy. We were going about for a while he was supposed to know he was gonna die.
After that one I hadn't dated in while, because my school at the had to be demolished and everyone was sent to different primary schools. So all through out standard 3 to 5 I was single. Granted I had a torrid affair from our enemy school during that time. A lot of cloak and dagger stuff.
Form 3 came and met me with The Smotherer.
He is the guy who would call every hour on the hour to talk to you. Meet you at you maxi drop off to walk you home so he could talk to you. Send you phonecards so that you wouldn't have the excuse of no credit to talk to you. It got so bad I literally had to run away to my dads house just to have an excuse not to go to the movies with him and his ratchet friends for the umpteenth time. And when we broke up you could have sworn he caught me in bed with the Cool-Aid guy with the way he screwed up his face everytime he sees me.
no. 5
The Lover
He is the guy I could have actually fell for if I didn't have so many things hanging over my head. That and the fact that he was living in Princess Town and me in Port of Spain. He was kind, patient, a good listener and would do anything to please me. But, I messed it up I admit so he probably screws up his face every time he sees me.
That concludes it in a way. Those of you who knows me know that there is more but they aren't exactly in the relationship category but in more like the flirt and make out category.
I had my days, I wasn't always the wonderful person I am today. Until next time I bid you goodbye!
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Loneliness? What's that?
What would it take for a person to admit they are lonely? I mean it can't just be not being involved with someone can it? That's just plain stupid.
Loneliness to me is a non-existent thing,but you guys already know I am a robot so my views doesn't count but I met someone the other day and she let out this sigh I could have sworn a little bit longer she could have killed all the trees with the overtime they would have to put in to produce more oxygen.
She said she was lonely, I asked why, she looked at me like I was crazy, I said 'bitch I can't read minds!" then she pinched me but that's beside the point.
"I have to find myself a boyfriend because Friday nights are hell."
That is the first time I had ever heard someone make a Friday night sound so simple so I was like
But she was so serious. You are lonely so you deduce that to not having companionship? This is why we get men who abuse us with nine different personalities that only appear when you piss off one.
I mean, read a book, play a game, masturbate for all I care, don't drop all your walls and standards because you are home and fell like conversing with someone of the opposite sex and probably get something a little later if you know what I mean. Use them for what they made for I say.
What I am getting at is that I have seen a lot of relationships fail this way, lives destroyed, people getting fat because lives were destroyed so they turned to food.
Not only that but when you go fishing this Friday or any other day for that matter and you do meet someone, you guys hit it off, start to talk and have fun. Then somewhere down the line you realize he is an idiot, you can't remember what you liked about him or he has a third ball. You end up that chick who is always at the bar man surfing until you come to this stupid conclusion that maybe a dick isn't what I want, lets try boobs and a vagina tonight and see if it's to my liking. Don't hate, this happens more than you realize.
You know what I think, this problem stems from childhood. Where all these fairy tales and cartoons brainwash young girls with damsels in distress and knights in shining armor. Well you better get that shit out of your head because it ain't real.
So when you see it happening again, that instant where you think you need companionship to break your imaginary loneliness young one I need you to rebuke it, rebuke it like a true black woman rebukes non 100% Brazilian weave, rebuke it like our Prime Minister rebukes walking more than a block. Also rebuke it like your Satan rebukes your Bible.
That's all for now, bye!
Loneliness to me is a non-existent thing,but you guys already know I am a robot so my views doesn't count but I met someone the other day and she let out this sigh I could have sworn a little bit longer she could have killed all the trees with the overtime they would have to put in to produce more oxygen.
She said she was lonely, I asked why, she looked at me like I was crazy, I said 'bitch I can't read minds!" then she pinched me but that's beside the point.
"I have to find myself a boyfriend because Friday nights are hell."
That is the first time I had ever heard someone make a Friday night sound so simple so I was like
But she was so serious. You are lonely so you deduce that to not having companionship? This is why we get men who abuse us with nine different personalities that only appear when you piss off one.
I mean, read a book, play a game, masturbate for all I care, don't drop all your walls and standards because you are home and fell like conversing with someone of the opposite sex and probably get something a little later if you know what I mean. Use them for what they made for I say.
What I am getting at is that I have seen a lot of relationships fail this way, lives destroyed, people getting fat because lives were destroyed so they turned to food.
Not only that but when you go fishing this Friday or any other day for that matter and you do meet someone, you guys hit it off, start to talk and have fun. Then somewhere down the line you realize he is an idiot, you can't remember what you liked about him or he has a third ball. You end up that chick who is always at the bar man surfing until you come to this stupid conclusion that maybe a dick isn't what I want, lets try boobs and a vagina tonight and see if it's to my liking. Don't hate, this happens more than you realize.
You know what I think, this problem stems from childhood. Where all these fairy tales and cartoons brainwash young girls with damsels in distress and knights in shining armor. Well you better get that shit out of your head because it ain't real.
So when you see it happening again, that instant where you think you need companionship to break your imaginary loneliness young one I need you to rebuke it, rebuke it like a true black woman rebukes non 100% Brazilian weave, rebuke it like our Prime Minister rebukes walking more than a block. Also rebuke it like your Satan rebukes your Bible.
That's all for now, bye!
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Nothing Better Than Bush Food And A Movie
I love Callaloo. Anybody who doesn't like Callaloo is an idiot. You know what I like about Callaloo, you can practically just put any kind of greens in it and it will ultimately taste like the best bush food you have ever eaten.
Don't bash my way of cooking, it is all about the taste.

You can also use it as a way to describe how I live my life. I partake in any and everything at least once, and I also put this type of thinking into what type of movies or tv shows I watch. I am a movie freak. Ask my cousins, their nick name for me was TV FREAK back in the day. Yeah they weren't very creative.
Multi-cultural shows are the best. People tend to drift towards the Asian aspects of shows sometimes and I just noticed that the Indian Media Market is booming these days with foreigners. Personally I can't stand it, every 5 minute of the show they practically show you every pore on the actors face with the amount of face shots they do. Over and over again. 30 minutes of face shots 30 minutes of really really bad acting.
But to each his own so, today I am going to be blogging about the different types of tv shows or movies I have watched over the years that have caught my eye and enjoyed.
First up is Sarafina. This was my very first taste of a musical actually, back in the day. TV 6 was showing it sometime around one of our many many holidays and I was hooked.
"The plot centers on students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The character Sarafina (Leleti Khumalo) feels shame at her mother's (Miriam Makeba) acceptance of her role as domestic servant in a white household in apartheid South Africa, and inspires her peers to rise up in protest, especially after her inspirational teacher, Mary Masombuka (Whoopi Goldberg) is imprisoned."
This was released in 1992 in South Africa and was well received and personally I would categorize it as Whoopi's best work like ever, well after The Color Purple that is.
Ok so second on the list we have Vampire High. This is Canadian TV show I happened upon on one of my Friday nights raiding of the refrigerator and binge eating in front of the laptop.
The series made its debut on January 7th, 2002 in the USA and kind of disappeared after that. You have to watch it to understand. Now it isn't bad or anything it's just not this generations cup of tea.
When I started it it was just something to get me to sleep but as I went from episode to episode I kept having this nagging feeling that it reminded me of something then BAM! When Drew gave me a close up of those side burns
and looked into the camera I had just about choked on my brothers cake he was trying to hide in the fridge. It was like watching a broken down version of Twilight. Just about made my night.
I have come to notice that Canadians have a thing for vampire shows, but I would categorize this as one of their most interesting.
Third on the list we have First Love also known as A Crazy Thing Called Love. A Taiwanese Movie that I have watched a total of six times. It was beautifully done and simply made because Taiwanese movies arn't known to be very compelling since they all act like they are on drugs half the time and the female actors have some high ass voices. But this movie really depicted what a first crush can turn into first love and then only love for some people and how it affects their lives and their inspirations.
A 2010 Thai Romantic Comedy film and also a 2011 sleeper hit film starring Mario Maurer and Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul. It took approximately 4 years to complete because they didn't want to change the actress who played the young girl Nam so they waited and groomed her to become a 'flower' and continue to do the older version of the character Nam. Dedication I tell you.
Fourth on the list is none other than Dance Hall Queen. A Jamaican Movie that came out in 1997.
"Marcia (Audrey Reid) green is a single mom and street vendor barely scraping by even with a financial assist from the seemingly avuncular Larry (Carl Davis), a gun-toting strongman with a twisted desire for Marcia's teenage daughter who then decides to pursue her, Tanya (Cherine Anderson). Complicating things is Priest (Paul Campbell), a murderous hood who killed Marcia's friend and now is terrorizing the defenseless woman. Facing three big problems—Larry, Priest, and a lack of money---Marcia arrives at an inspired solution: develop an alter ego, a dancing celebrity called the Mystery Lady who can compete in a cash-prize contest and put both of the men against one another. Which is exactly what she does, and it's great fun watching Marcia instigate her complicated plan with a little help from sympathetic friends."
I am not a lover of anything the Jamaican's bring out in the media, mainly because everything is so repetitive. But this movie made me laugh. The characters behaved like the roles they were playing were really their everyday life, not just something the woke up and started to read from a page.
They also touched on a few things that seem to be a norm in the households of single mothers whose sole worry is money first and their children second.
Last but not least we have I saw the Devil. Now don't let the name fool you there wasn't any satanic rituals or other hoopla just a simple man with a simple need for revenge.
Cute isn't he?
So this concludes my love of Callaloo in foreign films for today, hope to be on later to blog away my life to you all. Cha-cha-cha-cheeah!
Don't bash my way of cooking, it is all about the taste.

You can also use it as a way to describe how I live my life. I partake in any and everything at least once, and I also put this type of thinking into what type of movies or tv shows I watch. I am a movie freak. Ask my cousins, their nick name for me was TV FREAK back in the day. Yeah they weren't very creative.
Multi-cultural shows are the best. People tend to drift towards the Asian aspects of shows sometimes and I just noticed that the Indian Media Market is booming these days with foreigners. Personally I can't stand it, every 5 minute of the show they practically show you every pore on the actors face with the amount of face shots they do. Over and over again. 30 minutes of face shots 30 minutes of really really bad acting.
But to each his own so, today I am going to be blogging about the different types of tv shows or movies I have watched over the years that have caught my eye and enjoyed.
First up is Sarafina. This was my very first taste of a musical actually, back in the day. TV 6 was showing it sometime around one of our many many holidays and I was hooked.
"The plot centers on students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The character Sarafina (Leleti Khumalo) feels shame at her mother's (Miriam Makeba) acceptance of her role as domestic servant in a white household in apartheid South Africa, and inspires her peers to rise up in protest, especially after her inspirational teacher, Mary Masombuka (Whoopi Goldberg) is imprisoned."
This was released in 1992 in South Africa and was well received and personally I would categorize it as Whoopi's best work like ever, well after The Color Purple that is.
Ok so second on the list we have Vampire High. This is Canadian TV show I happened upon on one of my Friday nights raiding of the refrigerator and binge eating in front of the laptop.
The series made its debut on January 7th, 2002 in the USA and kind of disappeared after that. You have to watch it to understand. Now it isn't bad or anything it's just not this generations cup of tea.
When I started it it was just something to get me to sleep but as I went from episode to episode I kept having this nagging feeling that it reminded me of something then BAM! When Drew gave me a close up of those side burns
and looked into the camera I had just about choked on my brothers cake he was trying to hide in the fridge. It was like watching a broken down version of Twilight. Just about made my night.
I have come to notice that Canadians have a thing for vampire shows, but I would categorize this as one of their most interesting.
"The opening title sequence featured Murdoch narrating the brief history of the experiment - "When The Great Eclipse plunged the world into darkness, the vampire race erupted in a civil war. The bloodthirsty 'Fury' battled the enlightened Elders for domination of the undead. In desperation, the Elders gathered up those young vampires that could be saved and entrusted them to me. To humanize them, to tame their instincts and teach them how to live among mortals."
Mansbridge Academy is a private boarding school, the last stop for troubled rich kids. The parents, not knowing what to do with the teens leave them at the secluded boarding school hoping for some resolution. But the main focus of the series is the school at night... five vampires; Drew, Karl, Essie, Marty and Merrill are also students at the school trying to become more civilized, from the instruction of Murdoch, the head teacher of Mansbridge Academy. Sent to the school by their Elders, the vampires try to come to terms with the problems that occur.
When we begin at the start of the series, we are introduced to Sherry, a mortal female who feels lost and lonely in life. Not only does she crave love but she needs it to survive but can only seek comfort in her best friend Mimi. Knowing her boyfriend Nick is not the person she is destined to be with Sherry spends her time working, thinking and recording her thoughts on a Dictaphone.
As night falls we are introduced to many vampire characters. Karl, the sporty, troublesome teen and the youngest of the vampires who yearns to return to his life as a human; meek Merrill who is smart and wants to do well, and dreams of making Drew her soulmate; popular and beautiful Essie, a royal by birth, hides her emotions behind a vain and fashionable exterior; bad boy Marty who only joined the experiment for the endless supply of free blood; and Drew, a dark and mysterious vampire who falls in love with the mortal student, Sherry."
Third on the list we have First Love also known as A Crazy Thing Called Love. A Taiwanese Movie that I have watched a total of six times. It was beautifully done and simply made because Taiwanese movies arn't known to be very compelling since they all act like they are on drugs half the time and the female actors have some high ass voices. But this movie really depicted what a first crush can turn into first love and then only love for some people and how it affects their lives and their inspirations.
A 2010 Thai Romantic Comedy film and also a 2011 sleeper hit film starring Mario Maurer and Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul. It took approximately 4 years to complete because they didn't want to change the actress who played the young girl Nam so they waited and groomed her to become a 'flower' and continue to do the older version of the character Nam. Dedication I tell you.
Fourth on the list is none other than Dance Hall Queen. A Jamaican Movie that came out in 1997.
"Marcia (Audrey Reid) green is a single mom and street vendor barely scraping by even with a financial assist from the seemingly avuncular Larry (Carl Davis), a gun-toting strongman with a twisted desire for Marcia's teenage daughter who then decides to pursue her, Tanya (Cherine Anderson). Complicating things is Priest (Paul Campbell), a murderous hood who killed Marcia's friend and now is terrorizing the defenseless woman. Facing three big problems—Larry, Priest, and a lack of money---Marcia arrives at an inspired solution: develop an alter ego, a dancing celebrity called the Mystery Lady who can compete in a cash-prize contest and put both of the men against one another. Which is exactly what she does, and it's great fun watching Marcia instigate her complicated plan with a little help from sympathetic friends."
I am not a lover of anything the Jamaican's bring out in the media, mainly because everything is so repetitive. But this movie made me laugh. The characters behaved like the roles they were playing were really their everyday life, not just something the woke up and started to read from a page.
They also touched on a few things that seem to be a norm in the households of single mothers whose sole worry is money first and their children second.
Last but not least we have I saw the Devil. Now don't let the name fool you there wasn't any satanic rituals or other hoopla just a simple man with a simple need for revenge.
I Saw the Devil (Hangul: 악마를 보았다; RR: Angmareul boatda) is a 2010 South Korean psychological thriller/horror film directed by Kim Ji-woon, written by Park Hoon-jung, and starring Choi Min-sik and Lee Byung-hun.
The film introduces the character of NIS agent Soo-hyun (Lee Byung-hun), who embarks on a quest of revenge when his fiancée is brutally murdered by a psychopathic murderer, Kyung-chul (Choi Min-sik). The line between good and evil begin to blur when the two play a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
I stumbled upon this one while going through my fathers pile of CD's. I mean the man hoards the stuff. I had just taken like four pain relievers and was walking on sunshine when I watched it so I watched again and again just to see that I wasn't hallucinating.
Koreans to me have this way with thrillers. It's like they know what will make a seriously emotionless person's skin crawl and boy did it crawl.
Even though he is like the senior to my senior, I would marry the man. Choi Min-Sik made me fall in love with him with this one movie and being the healthy stalker that I am I practically devoured all his movies from before to see if he was just as phenomenal. He did not disappoint. I tip my imaginary hat off to the fifth love of my life.
Those of you who don't know who he is, it's the guy who acted as the drug lord in LUCY with Scarlett Johansson.
Cute isn't he?
So this concludes my love of Callaloo in foreign films for today, hope to be on later to blog away my life to you all. Cha-cha-cha-cheeah!
Monday, 13 October 2014
BOOKS GALORE and A Bowl of Cereal! ^-^
I haven't written anything in a while and I blame everything else but me. Makes things so much easier. You see a lot of thing's have happened over the period of these two months. Some good some bad and some just plain annoying.
I like to think sometimes that I am allowed to make decisions that benefit me in the long run and not what others think is the right thing to do and what makes them comfortable and PROUD.
Granted I am feeling a little regretful right now about what I had to do to basically survive I wouldn't change my decision even if I was given a do-over.
Okay so I have also come to the decision that my blog can't always be about what crazy thought that just happened to pass through my head during the day or what type of ignorant occurrence that spurred me to write. Leading me to write, ummm excuse me blog about the things I am currently involved in doing. You know like one of the many hobbies or extra-curricular activity I have involved myself in as to not go stir crazy.
Soooo, today it is going to be about a book series I just finished. Night Huntress Jeaniene Frost. Now I stumbled upon this book series when I was browsing the web looking for something interesting to read. In my opinion nothing makes a supernatural book more interesting than a little comedy. And this book had it by the bucket fulls.
I like to think sometimes that I am allowed to make decisions that benefit me in the long run and not what others think is the right thing to do and what makes them comfortable and PROUD.
Granted I am feeling a little regretful right now about what I had to do to basically survive I wouldn't change my decision even if I was given a do-over.
Okay so I have also come to the decision that my blog can't always be about what crazy thought that just happened to pass through my head during the day or what type of ignorant occurrence that spurred me to write. Leading me to write, ummm excuse me blog about the things I am currently involved in doing. You know like one of the many hobbies or extra-curricular activity I have involved myself in as to not go stir crazy.
Soooo, today it is going to be about a book series I just finished. Night Huntress Jeaniene Frost. Now I stumbled upon this book series when I was browsing the web looking for something interesting to read. In my opinion nothing makes a supernatural book more interesting than a little comedy. And this book had it by the bucket fulls.
The first installment is named Halfway to the Grave. Here is the summary.
Half-vampire Catherine Crawfield is going after the undead with a vengeance, hoping that one of these deadbeats is her father - the one responsible for ruining her mother's life. Then she's captured by Bones, a vampire bounty hunter, and is forced into an unholy partnership.
In exchange for finding her father, Cat agrees to train with the sexy night stalker until her battle reflexes are as sharp as his fangs. She's amazed she doesn't end up as his dinner - are there actually good vampires? Pretty soon Bones will have her convinced that being half-dead doesn't have to be all bad. But before she can enjoy her newfound status as kick-ass demon hunter, Cat and Bones are pursued by a group of killers. Now Cat will have to choose a side . . . and Bones is turning out to be as tempting as any man with a heartbeat.
So the summary is a little dry but when you really get into it, it's a hoot. Cat is a blushing 20 something year old who has nothing on her mind but kill kill kill. Just to get to the man who made her what she is and what he did to her crazy bible thumping mother.
Bones on the other is a 200 year vampire supernatural bounty hunter who only started toying with Cat because of what she was only to discover she was more than a ignorant girl with wicked aim.
This book hooked me so fast I probably broke a lot of laws getting the epubs to read. The fighting was brutal, the conversations were flowing, the characters were genius and the love between these two misfits was tolerable. Five starts from me.
I am also going to run through a few other series I read over the months since I had a lot, and when I say a lot I mean a lot of free time. Up next we have Jill Kismet by Lilith Saintcrow.
Not everyone can take on the things that go bump in the night.
Not everyone tries.
But Jill Kismet is not just anyone.
She's a Hunter, trained by the best - and in over her head.
Welcome to the night shift...
Not everyone tries.
But Jill Kismet is not just anyone.
She's a Hunter, trained by the best - and in over her head.
Welcome to the night shift...
I have got to say, Lilith was the first author to ever make me fall in love with strong female lead characters in novels. I had a phase, you know that phase where a disney movie felt like your life and a bubble gum song made your day. So when I got this book recommendation from a friend it literally changed my outlook and the roles of women in books and on screen or anywhere else for that matter. Jill was as bad ass as bad ass can be. It was either Yes or No with her, anything else was met with a bullet or her knives. OOOH SHE GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS.
Well, enough of that. Coming in at number three we have Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent. Now this was your typical highschool drama mumble jumble but the plot of the book and the execution of the story is what got me hooked in the first place. That and the characters had you pulling out your hair and eating Zoomers like a crazy person while talking to yourself about fictional people. And that was only the first book.
She doesn't see dead people. She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally.
Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who'll be next.
Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who'll be next.
Kaylee is Banshee, don't fret not a spoiler. Before this book the supernatural creature known as the Banshee was unknown to me, probably that's why I got so hooked on the book. Her screams can literally keep a person's soul in their body suspending death and saving people. AWESOME.
Finally the last series that I devoured over my mini holiday is Ben and Fran by Katie Maxwell.
I used to think all I wanted was to have a normal life. You know, where I could be one of the crowd and blend in, so no one would know just how different I am. But now I'm stuck in the middle of Hungary with my mom, working for a traveling fair with my psychics, magicians, and other really weird people, and somehow, blending in with this crowd doesn't look so good.
Fortunately, there's Benedikt. Yeah, he may be a vampire, but he has a motorcycle, he likes the mysterious horse I suddenly acquired, and best of all, he doesn't think I'm the least bit freaky. So I'm supposed to redeem his soul -- if his kisses are anything to go by, my new life may not be quite as bad as I imagined.
Just one word for this book JUSTSIMPLYEPIC. I couldn't understand why this book haven't been made into friggin movie. Just genius in words. Fran and Ben, if they were real this world would be a better place. Don't ask me what that means it just means what it means. Fran is a girl who has a gift to feel the emotions of those she touches and Ben is a Dark One or whatever or as we call it Vampire. But this book is so far from your typical teenage vampire bullshit I cried when I passed chapter one
So that concludes my book gushing for today. A little later I might be gushing about something else. Blog with later!
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